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发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How is guys' grinding going?
I play many MTT/Stlt. That is where I get 1.5K gone. After get a few small
final-table, I try to loose up but have not done well yet(build up a loose
image, and have not known how to cash in that). Plus, I need some study. O.W.
my play does not catch up.
RUSH is for TAG in general. If you play LAG, it becomes hard field to you.
RUSH 25NL, -34BB/100 means pretty much that. I remember you push w/ middle
pair and allin w/ KJo alike. At that way, you are winner at TURBO SNG and HU.

发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Should I shove it allin?
disclaimer, I am a donk.
3-handed, ATs is very good. I guess it depends more on how the table has
been playing lately, mostly whether you have some showdown with solid hole
cards recently at button/co or your image is loose/super aggressive and
people think you are just stealing pot after pot. if image loose, definitely
even if lose the showdown, it may make later stealing at button/sb easier
because of fear factor, many people don't like big confrontation and the
risk of elimination.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand from yesterday's live NL 1/2 game
56s i would limp but i think 7$ is pretty expensive. you really don't have
that many 7$ to put in the pot with marginal hand like this. But we can
agree and disagree on that.
But the most important factor whether to put in 7$ into a 4 way action pot
is whether these players are weak tight or loose passive... if it is the
former, i don't think it is as bad as the latter. Don't play those hand vs
loose passive people, you have very little fold equity against them. Unless
you flop something really
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand from yesterday's live NL 1/2 game
just want to make it clear I dont always play sc like this in live game. I
am little more loose than online, but compare with other players on the
table, I am still a TAG.
Also some times you have to pay to do some ads. When you play loose while
you are TAG, it's good for people to have the wrong impression.

any initiative but to guess whether your bottom pair is good. You will find
your chip stack could be gone in no time without even getting into any big
pot. If you don't get your flus
发帖数: 6262
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 初学者来报道,问个基本的问题
小对子, 看一看, 松三紧四才划算。
小对子值得进去看一看:如果是loose game,得有三人陪练才进;如果是tight game,得
有点糊涂,如果是loose game,大家都倾向于多看牌,陪练的人牌都一般,tight game
那为什么反而tight game下,陪练的人多,才继续跟呢?那不是自己赢得可能性更小了
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 初学者来报道,问个基本的问题
它的意思是小对子的价值在implied odds,就是你hit set后赢大的。如果大家都很
tight,你稍微bet一下人都跑了,那这个implied odds是不够justify的。至于三个还
为loose的桌子raise多,early position limp in small pair may be very bad for
you. you will be forced to fold a lot of times.

发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Fxxx it, live game is soo fxxxing rigged
跟大家兄弟相聚是愉快的,见到了好多在 mitbbs 上的名 id。特别是与 fryking 老大
去年一别,想当初在 AC 碰头时,大雪纷飞,积雪余尺,不想一晃已经一年,fryking
老大还是风采依旧,我俩的减肥计划也仍旧在失败中。就像 cmis 说的一样,一年一次
就跟炒股一样,是智慧,决策和纪律性的考验。有一大帮人在赌场里成群结队的 grind
, 比一个人孤军奋战,有趣的多。
接下去在网上 grind 1,2 个月才能把洞填平。
1。$200 buy-in NL 2/5, 小输 60, 再 re-buy 100,grind 小钱,悲剧发生前 stack
$267。刚换了位子,嫌自己的位子运气不好,card dead。刚换新位子,旁边的人提醒
UTG limp with 33, 后面人 raise 到 20... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
I will start mine:
I am not sure how many hands I played since most my game are
HUSNG and I lost my HH during to computer crash.
One of the best hand I played this year is to shove 3 pair on
the board in position for value.
I played with a very loose player. I raised every button, he
got tilted and started to shove most of my raise. I have to fold most of
them. so I started to limp some playable hand on button in order to see flop
and play in position. We p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎样利用notes 来narrow 对手range
actually tight player's range is relatively easy to figure out. in multi way
part the ppl I am afraid of is those loose goose player. especially those
flop seems wet.
against such a tight player with vpip 10 and pfr 6 and c-3-bet 45, the card
he can call your three bet come down to this: pair jj or higher , Ak suited
or off-suited. that is it. that construct to be 3% of ranges which he can
all your 3-bet range.
AA or Kk is less likely since he face a raise and reraise before him as a
tight reg, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - i just dont believe ppl are just that stupid!
For your information, the first two tables I played were full of nit(NL 2/5)
. Everyone don't even limp, they just fold around to bb and chop the blinds.
Pathetic! (yeah, I am one of them).
I kept asking for seat change until I find this loose table. They asked
every player played for 2-5-10, meaning other than 2/5 blinds, UTG has to
put 10 dollars blind raise (not straddle) just spice up the action.
Overall, I still think a lot of nit playing at 2/5, fish are few.
1/2 table probably different. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - lundon, about WV
Then obviously you should try to play 2/5
Buy-in for minimum and wait for quality hand and get in pre-flop. When fish
is there, the stake doesn't matter too much.
I haven't really seen many fish lately. I am talking about those loose
passive type who will call you down with 2nd pair or weak draw.
Most of guy I encounter are aggressive type pushing draw and bluff like
crazy. Not as sweet as loose passive. I miss those LAP babies. Where are you?

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - You forgot this is real money? :)
yeah. I agree with fryking. it is SB vs BB, my 5 bet shoving range is TT-AA
, AQ+.
I run pokerstove, 35o vs that range has about 25% equality.
I almost never put AK preflop with 100 BB unless against very loose
player , not mention AQ. but this SB vs BB, and his stat are extremely
loose VPIP is 36. that is why I made that move.

发帖数: 2123
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这牌怎么打?
应老大号召, 加点水
昨天的一副牌,1/2 live game, 我在UTG有$320, 拿到AcKc limp , LP 是个很loose
的印度老头, 也有$300多, raise 到20, button 是个很loose 的黑人老头有60多,
call。 我call。
FLOP JsTc2c, 我check, 印度老头bet 100, 黑人老头call (all in-his $42), 我?
发帖数: 2123
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这牌怎么办比较好?
1/2 live, 我有280在button 拿22, SB是个非常loose的家伙, 几乎每把都raise,
cbet 也很多, 他有400多, limp in到SB, 他raise到7, MP call, LP call , 我
call。 flop 2, 8, 9, rainbow。 SB, MP check。 LP bet 20, 我call, SB
raise 40. LP call。 (这个家伙也很loose, 经常偷, 是个长期输家, 他现在还剩
大约100), 我现在怎么办比较好? call, raise or all-in?
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - merge會有問題麼
你给的信息比较有限。我觉得你的style 应该是 loose aggressive. Too loose and
too aggressive.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how to play KK?
first of all, you think your image is loose and aggressive and capable of bluff 3 streets cold. Do your opponents think so too? Most of time, someone's perception of their own image are not exactly the same as how others see you, because they don't see your whole card all the time.
Secondly, even if they know you are loose, are they strong enough player to catch your bluff with 1 paired hand until all in at this level? Now if they try to catch your bluff 20% of the time when you go all in with ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(中)
AA UTG 10x,然后后面5个loose callers,真不是一件喜闻乐见的事情。
就业余玩玩,让人suck out这么一次,够恶心一礼拜的,呵呵,咱这业余poker life的

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈自己最好的bluff把
I will start with mine:
No cap 2-5 NL, live game at a Vegas casino.

It was like 6am in the morning, the table was quite active and super
deep. Brian Rast, the guy who won two bracelets this year, came from a broke
high stake game, sitting down with at least 50k. There was another very
loose guy sitting down with over 10K. With such deep stack, everybody played
quite loose preflop .

I limped in 10$(straddle) with 44, a standard play for deep stack cash
game, another ppl cal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - rivered top 2 pair
Raise pre won't make too much a difference, IMO. Loose goose players will
call your raise with connectors, suited or not, even oop, that what we see
constantly in low stake games in NL 2-5 and 1-2 game.
Lost minimum is all you want in those situation.
I had a similar hand played last week at NL 2-5 game. A chinese guy (I
thought we friends because we met a couple times in Casino) limp, an Indian
women limp, I raised to $25 at btn with AQo. Both called.
Flop Qh, 9s, 2s, check to me, I bet $40, b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
Just after Black Friday I had a chat with a friend of mine who plays live no
-limit in Las Vegas casinos. “You know this is going to kill our games,”
he said. “The internet kids are all going to be taking every other seat,
and no one’s going to beat the rake.”
It took half an hour, but eventually I talked him down from the ledge. Las
Vegas is crawling with tourists, and they are really, really bad at poker.
So what if there are a few more decent players in the game?
I did acknowledge that we’d p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
5/10 NL. Very loose game and lots of action. A few guys sat down with 10+
I played a super nitty game with shortstack(starting with 1k) at the table
and tried to not getting involved with many pots.
Then this hand came out: I was at SB with 1.8k, there were two limpers,
including button with very big stack. I looked my hand and I got KK. So I
made 100$ to go out of SB, BB called and button called as well.

BB is a very loose/aggro cash game pro and sat with more than 10K
s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
Thanks for all the input, guys. appreciate it!

In reality, I thought about that hand for 7-8 minutes after that 700$ flop
raise and folded on the flop. Somebody almost called time on me.

Before that hand, I have sit on that table for about 2 hours and had been
playing really tight. He is an observant player and he knew that. My
decision here really depends what he thought about my hand range and how to
proceed based on that.
In his perception, can I bet 300$ into 400$ pot on 74... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 717
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands
hand 1, call. 2 hands beat you, a 2 or a 9 since he did not repop preflop
and he was supposed to do with any decent hand with his loose image.
hand 2, guess have to fold. Pot is almost 190, he is not bluffing this high
% of the time. But I would bet more on turn and maybe on flop as well since
people on the table are loose.

发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Vegas trip report
一上来就AA 在BB,RAISE到18,7个人CALL。FLOP 3 4 K,两张黑桃,BET 60, 一老头
CALL,其他人FOLD了。TURN 7,估计老头应该是在CHASE FLUSH,应该不会CALL 18
WITH 65,所以就 ALL IN 120,老头立马CALL,亮出5 6 黑桃。我问老头如果7没来他
CALL 不CALL我的ALL-IN,老头说他肯定FOLD。所以觉得自己也没打错,谁知到他会有
有... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一千里路云和月之12/23/11
关键字:poker god.
A8 vs. A6 on A826的turn,bet/raise big, river 6, shit,$250没了。
*********** 严重miss value的一把:
Qd2d at BB in limped pot, flop: Kd8d7d
bet $10, 2 callers, one loose black guy raises to $40 (we each have $400+
turn: blank, check/check
river: Ad (shit), bet $65, black guy shakes his head with sucked out face,
finally calls with 5d9d.
********** 接下来一把更靠:
一个reg老爷爷UTG $15,老爷爷一个小时了也没有preflop raise过,隔壁女“加热器
”chip le... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A few hands last few days
Another hand.

There is a white woman about 50 years old on the table, who has been
playing really really loose. She called about 80% preflop and plays ABC
poker postflop. She said she owns a lot of business in Vegas and has been
playing a lot of 10k buyin tourney. Some ppl on the table said they see her on Tv poker show before. She said she is good friend of linda Johnson. lol. She seems a
total cash game fish for me.

Anyway, she won quite a few big pots and had over 1k on th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谁帮我分析一把牌
实打的错误很大。preflop没有必要loose call,flop没必要donk bet,因为这种board
很容易被fcf float。现在反省一下,我当时太追求打牌的creativity,过分的追求
balance/widen range,让别人猜不到我的牌。preflop的loose call就是让对手知道我
的preflop call可能是any two card。殊不知,过于的balance range会丧失
optimality(EV)。好像某个pro说过,你永远不能perfectly balance range,因为那
时。如果我在flop,turn上double barrel,他从来不会在river 上thin value bet。
river上如果他有nuts... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谁帮我分析一把牌
“太追求打牌的creativity,过分的追求balance/widen range,让别人猜不到我的牌
。preflop的loose call就是让对手知道我的preflop call可能是any two card。殊不
知,过于的balance range会丧失optimality(EV)。”
————这个我严重同意。我有时就犯这种错误,比如pre-flop open with 10 9o之类
想着post flop可以outplay对手,其实要让对方把好牌FOLD了没那么容易,特别在别人

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我是不是真的打得很烂
BTN,前面一个女weak ABC bets $7,他raises到$21,ABC脑袋显然热了,$200 shoves
,她明显是$100 scared money buy-in,underbet a lot of hands的类型,这里$200
很突然很冲动的那种样子。老头想都没想snap calls with AA......女的反应过来了,
turn K...
回来后运气了一把(就是TT vs AQ那把大的),stack回去$800,结果老问题复发,loose
/donk bluff,不到2小时又几乎被清光。
罗嗦的说这么多,其实俺真正想说的是,俺猜老头回家的路上,脑子... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 而今迈步从头越之1/13/2012
这个倒是,有的LOOSE PASSIVE的老头真的是很好赢他们的钱的。打了这么久,真的觉
得LOOSE PASSIVE是最要不得的打法,简直就是送钱。

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
1. 2-5 NL. I have been playing extremely lag for this session and showed
quite a few bluffs. my image is very loose. I had about 1k to start this
A few limpers ahead of me, I limped with 66 LP. A hot blonde chick from
Chicago raised to 25 out of BB, 2 callers and I called as well. Blonde
chick had been playing quite TAG, not quite a fish, but seems often
overplays her hand. She had around 1k to start this hand as well. Flop came
J 9 6, two spade. Hot blonde bet 20$ into 100$ flop,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 95
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手牌 shove or fold?
yes, amazing. but that's the good part of 2/3/5. I would play really tight
on the loose action table. But to maximize the value when making big hands
, I'd limp with very small investment to make it look like i'm loose player
and disguise the true tight intention.
As always, I would play the opposite way to the table.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Am I a donkey?
FT, shhhhh, could you just keep your voice lower???
1) hand 1:
black 99 at LP, 3 limpers, i raise to $11, all call + BB.
flop: Qs8dTc, very shitty one for my holding in 5-way, even with position.
all check to me, i don't think i can take it down here with a c-bet, so i
turn: 9d
it hits me but also a ton of other hands, all still check to me, i still
river: Td
BB (a short stack) leads out $35 (with ~$20 left), tight ABC lady calls, i
shove $170. BB snap calls, lady tables KJo or tur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - on tilt 太可怕了!
I do not think I have ever tilted this much in live game. sometime play
somewhat loose , make lots of loose calls and bluff too much when losing and
tilting, but nothing like calling 300$ raise with Q high and have too much
ego with one person etc. "

generally , playing online is much easily tilted. Playing live is a lot
easier to control temper and tilt.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - where are our CA guys?
nothing major, misplayed a few hands.
for example, AKo, loose passive UTG straddles for $10, one normal guy (mr.
normal) calls, this is the 3rd or so hand i got AKo (i played last 2 the
passive way, lol).
here i think i can change my image a little bit, so i pop up to $50, all
fold, both UTG and mr. normal call. i'm not suprised about UTG, he's way
loose passive (who plays EVERY hand and calls 80% raise, any size), but i
get a little concerned about mr. normal here.
flop: Js6s2d, very trashy one... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
deep stack 2/5 NL.
My image in the session is extremely loose. A few hand ago, there were
straggle UTG, I made a move by raising to 50$ with 74o on button. SB , a
tight reg called. We were both well over 1k deep. the flop came 9 blank
blank. he checked to me, I put him on a decent pair but afraid to get all
the money in. I think he can not stand 3 barrel. so I bet 100 on the flop,
he thought about 3 minutes and turned over QQ and fold. I showed the 74o. he
said if he called the flop, he h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
"extreme loose image" and some one fold the flop with QQ on the flop as over
pair facing your cbet?
I am shocked.
I really doubt some one will put you on an extreme loose image from a rock image after you raise button c-
bet once and shows 4-7. Its more like " oh, this nit can bluff too and steal in position"
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - bottom 2 怎么打
hero (TAG, don't think anyway cares) 26o BB, 5 way limp
flop: 26T, 2 spade,
loose fish lead out 50c, loose regular calls, hero raised to 2.50$, both
turn: 7,
hero lead out 6.5$, fish smooth call, regular tank call
river: K,
hero bet 5$, fish raised to 10$, regular tank call with 15$ left, hero call
with 7$ left.
fish showed 7T 2P, regular showed 7sKs 2P
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贴手牌,大家见笑了
"I thought he was just mad at me cause I been stealing the pot a couple
hands earlier "
So you basically is an aggressive guy as well?
If your image is very loose and aggressive, then it is ez to commit the top
two pair hands with relatively short stack. The main reason is PPL are more
than happy to play against you with medium strong hands e.g. top-pair-top-
kicker, even just top-pair. Cos they usually think you are too loose,
basically hand like top-pair will get you most of the time.
I once t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Complaining Works (和一手20/40LHE)

Are you talking about if you were in this hand and you were V1 and you held
Ace-relatively weak kicker?
"Finding out where you're at" is a good concept but it's often misapplied.
In the multiway scenario, You should indeed check raise if you hit the ace
but the most important reason to check raise is to get the middle hand to
fold, once the ace flops you are a slight favorite to a legitimate 3B range
so you lose nothing by check raising and pick up equity by folding out a
hand with outs.
I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 0.1/0.25 game, play like crap
anyway, got an online account, playing 0.1/0.25 cash game. 3 days in a row,
down 1 buy-in. Now working on the forth buy-in.
Not sure if I am too loose or not believing other ppl had hands, lose most
of the all-ins. I knew I am a newbee so time to ask questions.
Yesterday section:
played around 100 hands, doing great, winning 60% of the hands going flop.
fold 70% preflop, raise about 20% preflop, LAG image i believe, truth is I
was running cards and getting tons of KQ, KJ, A9o, A10s, so played al... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - foxwoods之行
make了donkey call,贴几手印象比较深的牌出来,供大家讨论。
一个MP LAG open 15, two callers。于是我make it 50 to go,希望他们fold。结果
original raiser fold,不过另外两个callers snap call,于是觉得大事不妙,我有点
即bet 100,fold to me,我想了一会儿也fold了,raiser show了我AK,至少还算是个
nice fold。不过我觉得在UTG的地方不该这样打JJ,不知道大家怎么看?
接下来一段时间一直有draw,但是就是hit不上,连2次OESW都miss了,于是rebuy 200
,又一直down到35,都绝望了....一手AJ all in 赢了,于是有了接下来这手... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2 hands that i am not so sure
low level live 1/2 FullRing, one guy with 80/60 stats, table is kinda loose,
but ppl like to flat call preflop raise. Usually chase flop cbet with weak
linked hand then gave up on turn 2nd barrel a lot. Not much bluff being
showed. Hero with a tight image, just sat down and lost a 200bb pot to the
the line was
hero with ats(CO) limp/call aggro(btn) raise, headsup
flop 889r, hero bet 1/2, aggro call
turn q,backdoor flush draw for hero, hero bet 1/2, aggro call
river 3, hero hit nut ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 抛砖给女将PLO tips..
绝对抛砖啊。。level 1。。PLO号称nuts game,不是nuts拿不下pot。
pre flop:一般raise hand至少有大对,double suited and at least with one Ax,
4 cards working together or at least 3 cards working together (like T987 A98
7 with Ax suited)。不过这个tounament不是真钱,非常loose,8754杂花、TJ66等牌r
aise的人很多,甚至还有JJJx这种垃圾牌爆入的。PLO另一特点是没什么牌pre flop we
ll ahead,要是HU很可能是50:50,所以loose raise的人也不能说有什么大错。。所以
如果flop了set,基本是当前nuts,但很可能是river的loser,因为有可能被higher se
t/full house,或是flush/straight ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - water ~~~ the fate of straddle
1/2NL new table, all i can tell is it's loose. short buy-in, $120, lol.
a few rounds, no play at all.
then a decent player right to me jokes, "straddle? ... no pressure."
hey, why not, i put $5 in.
7 callers, and i find black KK, great, shove like a squeeze donk.
one black guy instant calls, decent player sighs and turns over an A, good
for me.
black guy got AJo (yes, this is how loose it is) and i take it down.
a few rounds later, table gets even loooooser.
"straddle again? ... no pressure". he... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这几天玩POKER玩得天昏地暗的
room里. 住得离赌场很近,就10-15分钟, 一天两个session,跟在vegas似的,由于好久没
都是in for 1000 多以上,因为大部分都是直接买1000的,有些人都是连买三四千都不眨
眼的, 我看得都心慌,心想他们钱都哪里来的.很多人都是赢个1000多走人,但输确输几
千,真是太恐怖了.玩了几天才发现都是老面孔, 很多full time的年轻人,都是很疯狂的
,拿着6 high都是300, 500的bet, 而且都是不停bluff,偶尔他们又有点牌,所以把别人
搞得稀里糊涂的.昨天有个疯子小伙turn上bet 75, 另一个疯子立马raise他500,小伙想
半天拿着Ac2c CALL了,他有个flush draw 和 straight draw, 最后miss了, 谁知他ace
high 竟然是大的! anyway,玩... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - well, well...
1/2NL, loose passive table.
one regular big fish, larry, got a stack of $1K when i sit down, in less
than 3 hours, 70% of it goes somewhere, without major big hands. larry is
just so passive but plays every hand for $20-50, lol, he sees (and of course
loses on) almost every river, what a record!!!
2 other big stacks are relatively loose too, damn, perfect table, just need
a hand.
then comes this hand:
larry from UTG opens for $18. he rarely bets preflop, but limp ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 981
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - played a couple of hand in FL yesterday night
Key west trip on Columbus weekend, returned to hotel in Fort Lauderdale
early the night and decide to find a casino to play some poker before the
next day's morning flight. Bought in $100 and came out $146 in 2-3 hours,
not as excited as many of the DaNius here but it's a huge improvement than
my first casino trip of down $300. Not much interesting hands but several
more lessons learnt for me.
1. No matter how hot the weather is, poker room is still freaking cold.
I made a huge mistake only wear... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 东部Parx一游Trip Report (长)
响应老大东部版聚之邀,LP和我礼拜四早早的从San Diego飞到费城。
在此报告一下这次我俩的Trip Report,希望可以让更多人愿意参加下一次的小或大版
聚。 (Vegas gogogo!)
礼拜四 11/22
从礼拜二就已经进入度假模式了。去Commerce住一晚。ran bad。把上个礼拜赢的全部
输掉了。555.因为chase loss所以礼拜三很晚才回到家。睡2-3个小时。急急忙忙的整
本来计划飞机上睡觉。可是最近迷上open face Chinese(2-3年前在东欧开始流行的一
种 Chinese Poker variant,大概上个月开始在LA热起来)。大部分可以用来睡的时间
到了费城到达旅馆发现Parx比想象中大啊。赶快去熟悉环境。去了Mai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 57
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - pocket AA's cracked once again
Playing 2/5 at Harrah's Wednesday night.at the table are 2 good players, 1
good tourney player who just won the recent tournament on Sunday and 3 other
players. Table is very loose due to a crazy lag Asian guy and also some bad
beats that happened earlier during the session. I'm at middle position with
pocket rockets and made a raise to $35 with a $1300 stack. immediately the
tourney player at hj to my left reraised to $75. 2 good players fold, 1 lag
passive player called and crazy Asian called ... 阅读全帖
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