序号 | 主题 | 回帖 | 发帖人 | 最后回复 |
187401 | Obama’s Aura Of Defeat | 2 | l****z 12-10-26 | p*******w 10-26 19:31 |
187402 | block vote讲究的就是伤害性 | 19 | s*********t 12-10-25 | S****h 10-26 19:19 |
187403 | kdtang,你说的abortion,rape啥的跟我有啥关系? | 0 | c*****n 12-10-26 | c*****n 10-26 19:12 |
187404 | Hey Boy chatman, Plz shut up first. See how u respond my post. | 1 | k****g 12-10-26 | c*****n 10-26 19:10 |
187405 | kdtang,请停止你的无耻行径! | 0 | c*****n 12-10-26 | c*****n 10-26 18:56 |
187406 | BZ and everyone: chatman and zhongguo3 r the fuck same shit. | 1 | k****g 12-10-26 | c*****n 10-26 18:50 |
187407 | Obama Promises to Walk Dogs and Wash Cars to Get Debt Deal Done or Something | 1 | l****z 12-10-26 | z*****a 10-26 18:08 |
187408 | romney 要翻盘了 !! | 0 | b****y 12-10-26 | b****y 10-26 18:07 |
187409 | 脱了裤子放屁.... | 2 | w******8 12-10-26 | P*O 10-26 17:53 |
187410 | 权利都是自己争出来的。 不是别人施舍的。 | 5 | b****y 12-10-26 | z****0 10-26 17:20 |
187411 | Seals ordered to stand down during Bengazi attack | 1 | l****z 12-10-26 | l****5 10-26 17:06 |
187412 | 版主为什么从来只m支持共和党的帖子? | 11 | c*****n 12-10-26 | c*****n 10-26 16:59 |
187413 | 你们有没有发现布什家族今年没有出面, 为什么? | 6 | b****y 12-10-26 | y**********o 10-26 16:46 |
187414 | Looks like one newspaper has it right | 0 | l****z 12-10-26 | l****z 10-26 16:45 |
187415 | VOTE FRAUD: Vir. Dem’s Field Director Conspires to Commit Voter Fraud, Forge Docs | 0 | l****z 12-10-26 | l****z 10-26 16:42 |
187416 | Did Obama Let Four Americans Die In Benghazi? | 0 | l****z 12-10-26 | l****z 10-26 16:40 |
187417 | New Hampshire Going… Romney? | 0 | l****z 12-10-26 | l****z 10-26 16:39 |
187418 | 班加西:中情局曝料了! | 0 | c*****r 12-10-26 | c*****r 10-26 16:16 |
187419 | Vote for Obama in 2012 Election! | 13 | z****0 12-10-26 | z****0 10-26 16:08 |
187420 | 奥巴黑支持者在纽约高尚区刺死两个小孩 | 6 | w******g 12-10-26 | G***G 10-26 16:03 |
187421 | 这个布什是代表他自己,还是代表老布什小布什? | 0 | y***r 12-10-26 | y***r 10-26 15:53 |
187422 | 吃了拉肚子,还回头客? | 0 | l******a 12-10-26 | l******a 10-26 15:50 |
187423 | 放在我们目前的就两条路 | 0 | b****y 12-10-26 | b****y 10-26 15:49 |
187424 | Vote for Romney/Ryan, there is one reason | 0 | l**********p 12-10-26 | l**********p 10-26 15:40 |
187425 | GOP支持者说说GOP对亚裔争取平权做了什么? | 6 | z****0 12-10-26 | p*******r 10-26 15:22 |
187426 | 巴马支持堕胎的理由竟然是强奸率太高 | 6 | l**********3 12-10-26 | P*****s 10-26 15:05 |
187427 | 小树丛打伊拉克是他做过的最正确的决策 | 0 | t***t 12-10-26 | t***t 10-26 15:00 |
187428 | 不得不承认黑太阳有妖术 | 14 | y*****n 12-10-25 | c*********g 10-26 14:44 |
187429 | 为了孩子的安全, 学区很重要呀 (转载) | 18 | b*******n 12-10-26 | l******t 10-26 14:19 |
187430 | 苏露露说鲍威尔支持黑皮是因为他自己也是黑皮 | 2 | w******g 12-10-26 | T**********e 10-26 14:07 |
187431 | 快买巴马在intrade | 1 | p********o 12-10-26 | p********o 10-26 13:42 |
187432 | 如果是HILLARY对ROMNEY的话,是不是很多人就会支持民主党了呢 | 2 | i*****y 12-10-26 | p**j 10-26 13:32 |
187433 | Father of ex-SEAL killed in Libya "shaking Obama's hand was "like shaking hands with a dead fish." | 0 | N********g 12-10-26 | N********g 10-26 12:40 |
187434 | The Infallible Romney? | 0 | z****0 12-10-26 | z****0 10-26 12:38 |
187435 | 奥巴马总统的竞选团队已经开始放风说连任成功了 | 2 | l**********3 12-10-26 | l**********3 10-26 12:36 |
187436 | 影帝太牛了 | 0 | m******s 12-10-26 | m******s 10-26 12:11 |
187437 | 美国现在需要右派当权 | 2 | g********w 12-10-26 | r*******g 10-26 12:07 |
187438 | 君子爱财,取之有道。何错之有? | 1 | m******s 12-10-26 | d*********8 10-26 11:35 |
187439 | 如果只增加capital gain税率,民主党怎么看? | 4 | s******t 12-10-26 | p**j 10-26 11:08 |
187440 | 不要动不动就给DEM扣上无产者的帽子 | 8 | l**w 12-10-26 | y***r 10-26 10:19 |
187441 | 纽约时报:为什么说超级精英正在毁灭美国 | 5 | a*******a 12-10-25 | y***r 10-26 10:14 |
187442 | 发觉中国的gfw是根据URL来过滤扭腰时报的 | 0 | w********s 12-10-26 | w********s 10-26 09:10 |
187443 | 超级精英毁灭美国 | 7 | z****n 12-10-25 | j******a 10-26 09:09 |
187444 | Mitt Romney's approval rating was 34 percent ( from Wiki) at the end of his term | 0 | c******g 12-10-26 | c******g 10-26 08:38 |
187445 | 怎么还不开赌盘啊? | 2 | T*R 12-10-25 | B****r 10-26 08:22 |
187446 | 结果就是:O:R:281 :257 | 7 | N*******r 12-10-24 | c******g 10-26 08:19 |
187447 | Obama is still winning, yellow t-bags are still dreaming | 0 | c******g 12-10-26 | c******g 10-26 08:18 |
187448 | 历史数据说话, 经济的话, 民主党大胜, 但是怎么解决福利是个大问题 | 1 | t*********r 12-10-26 | c******g 10-26 08:17 |
187449 | (伪命题)当美国分裂成两个国家, blue states is one , red states is the other | 0 | c******g 12-10-26 | c******g 10-26 08:11 |
187450 | 2012选举的exit poll出来了,以色列米犹支持R (转载) | 9 | T**********e 12-10-23 | c****n 10-26 07:53 |